US is trying to get total control of the digital world. Shark is looking for flesh. Swiss investors now have access to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

April 6, 2023

Crypto Market Update 06-04-23

Welcome to our recap, where you find the relevant crypto events of the week!   📰😎

Last 7 Days Market Performance:

Bitcoin is down 2.43%, now at € 25.587,61

Ethereum is up 3.48%, now at € 1.710,36

Total crypto market cap: € 1.08 Trillion

But first, a curious fact just for you, this time we’ll pull a cupid trick out of the hat: did you know that over 80% of people feel more confident approaching an attractive person if that person has a dog with them? 😏 And also, pet owners usually have better self-esteem and are more in shape. 😉 Relax, you’re still in time to get one for the summer season. 😎

Ok, now into this week’s updates:

🔴 US is trying to get total control of the digital world 😖

A recent proposal surged in the US following suspicions of data gathering by the Chinese Government through Tik Tok. Ok, and what does Tik Tok have to do with Crypto? 🙄 Well since the devil is the details, this proposal quietly tries to give power to US entities over every and any digital means of information or communication, meaning every software, every app, everything that they consider ‘foreign’. And this includes crypto wallets. So in some way, the US is trying to force itself to have control over one of the biggest benefits of crypto, being your own bank.

🟡 Shark is looking for flesh 🧐

SharkTank investor and Billionaire, Kevin O’leary, is still paying attention and planting his seeds in the crypto markets. In spite of last year’s controversy surrounding his endorsement of now deceased crypto exchange FTX, he is still making investments in crypto. In an interview for Business Insider he mentioned that bitcoin is his top-performing holding of this year but he does also have other Altcoins (Which means alternative coins to the biggest of them all, BTC) like Polygon (MATIC).

🟢 Swiss investors now have access to Bitcoin and Ethereum 😎

The country itself appears to be very crypto-friendly and just recently, PostFinance, one of the biggest Swiss retail banks, through a partnership, has now enabled its customers to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Zooming out a bit, adoption in Europe seems to be going well and steady, banks in Liechtenstein, Germany, and neo-banks like N26 are expanding every slowly but surely. 🧐

A very average week at best, with the highlight probably being that Elon Musk changed the logo of Twitter from a bird to the Dogecoin logo! 😂 Didn’t see it? Go check it  out! The crazy things that happen on this part of the internet… Don’t forget to join our channels: !  😉


Great job on learning something new today 🎉